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A creative community nurtures on culture.

Assuming a comprehensive notion of the concept - that goes from science, technique to poetry, Politécnico do Porto assumes itself as an human space of creation, a cultural ecosystem, where values such as responsibility, criticism, accuracy and freedom mark both an artistic and scientific dimension and an active citizenship.

For this reason, cultural production and diffusion constitute an important capital in the spectrum of activities of the P.PORTO.

As a higher education Institution, we assume the responsibility of being a dynamic agent of creation, production, diffusion and development of culture and a capital vertex of creation in the spectrum of activities of the Politécnico do Porto.

Aware of today’s increasing demands, multidisciplinary technologies and social knowledge of a reality composed of multicultural values, pluriform and sustainable, P.PORTO presidency designs several initiatives of scientific, artistic and cultural nature.

These initiatives involve conferences, exhibitions, thematic workshops, seminars, cinema, journeys and meetings of all kinds, crossing the scientific and pedagogical memory of the first schools with contemporary artistic production.

All these events allow a new generation of skills, a range of new information and sharing ideas, playing a strong role in the formation of global citizens provided with an open culture.

Not only P.PORTO community is able to enjoy a varied range of exhibitions, concerts or plays, but we open the doors of our campi to the external community, actively collaborating in the cultural dynamics of the cities where we are currently present.

We offer structures as Helena Sá e Costa Theatre, located at ESMAE, with a weekly agenda with more than 12 consecutive years; a resident orchestra - P.PORTO Orchestra, a daily concerts café, a Museum - where some of the best pieces of the Polytechnical Academy's patrimony can be seen and studied; in 2018, our selective collection of contemporary art was exhibited in Vila Nova de Cerveira and a Tribunal da Relação do Porto, we sustained editorial edition, with a varied catalog of works and authors, and offer original workshops, Oficinas Do Politécnico do Porto, with some of the most notorious artists.

Our cultural dynamics are present in each of the schools, with the support of P.PORTO and the work and dedication of students, teachers, interpreters, producers and instrumentalists. We talk about the ESMAE Symphony Orchestra, composed with circa 80 musicians, ESMAE students, and directed by some of the most notable masters of 4 continents; 5 music bands between ancient music to Jazz, the ESE Choir, relevant festivals like the Harmos Music Festival, the Rampa Jazz, Set Festival or IRI - organized by ESMAD.

Aligned with the government program: National Reading Plan for Higher Education, we believe in the positive impact of culture.

In contemporary times, "cities" as George Steiner recalls, constitute the confluence point of memory and culture and “culture is the best of the human spirit”. P.PORTO, as a "city", as a living, multicultural, and ethically responsible community is committed to this mission.

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