Entrada > Education > COURSES > Degree > ESMAD > Industrial Design

Industrial Design

The undergraduate degree in Design has two majors: graphic design and advertising or industrial design. Student acceptance in each of the majors will depend on the results of an interview and on the ...

The undergraduate degree in Design has two majors: graphic design and advertising or industrial design. Student acceptance in each of the majors will depend on the results of an interview and on the assessment of the students’ portfolios.

Throughout the course, students will be assessed for their assignments, which will be proof of their learning path and there will be no tests or formal written exams. Instead, there will be portfolio weeks, during which time they will show their assignments to a jury, who will give them proper feedback. Students are encouraged to exhibit their work, to make oral presentations, to share their ideas. This course prepares students with fundamental skills so they can navigate in the world of design. In this learning process, theory is combined with practical tasks and assignments carried out in workshops. The program includes subjects based on technical and theoretical knowledge, which together ensure that students are proficient users of adequate software and other digital/ technical tools, as well as enabling them to contextualize their work.

Apart from classes, there are several field trips, real and collaborative projects and several seminars and workshops. Students are also expected to create their own event in which different guest speakers will lecture on a chosen topic from graphic and/or industrial design. The degree also creates opportunities for students to work with international partners, either through the Erasmus Program, Porto Design Factory or the Product Development Project (organized by the Finnish Aalto University), which will make students profit the most from their time at ESMAD.


Acreditado por: 6 years ano(s) em

Consultar relatórios em www.a3es.pt

214 - Design
Número: R/A-Ef773/2011/AL01
N.º Despacho/Portaria: DESPACHO N.º 1821/2017
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design I 1st Semester 6.0
Processes and Materials for Industrial Design I 1st Semester 3.0
Design History I 1st Semester 3.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design II 2nd Semester 6.0
Design History II 2nd Semester 3.0
Professional Practice in Design 2nd Semester 3.0
Industrial Design Project I Annual 24.0
Drawing Techniques for Industrial Design Annual 12.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Processes and Materials for Industrial Design II 1st Semester 3.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design III 1st Semester 3.0
Visual Culture 1st Semester 3.0
Contemporary Culture 2nd Semester 3.0
Design Workshops and Seminars I 2nd Semester 3.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design IV 2nd Semester 3.0
Industrial Design Project II Annual 18.0
Visualisation Annual 12.0
Design in the Future Annual 12.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Real and Collaborative Project in Industrial Design 1st Semester 21.0
Research Project: research phase 1st Semester 6.0
Research Project: thesis writing 2nd Semester 3.0
Final Industrial Project and Exhibition 2nd Semester 24.0
Design Workshops and Seminars II Annual 6.0
  • > Graphic Design and Advertising Major: working for advertising or graphic design agencies, as an illustrator or a freelancer, in the media: newspapers, magazines, television stations.
  • > Industrial Design Major: a career in footwear, textile and furniture manufacturing companies; ceramics, glass and plastic industry; automobile industry or packaging design.

Taking one of the following exams:

(03) Drawing

(10) Descriptive Geometry

(12) History of Arts and Culture

Minimum requirements

Application grade: 95 marks

Entrance exams: 95 marks

Pre-requisites: K GROUP – Vocational Aptitude

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Combined Shape
