Entrada > Education > COURSES > Degree > ESMAE > Licenciatura em Música

Licenciatura em Música

212 - Artes do espectáculo
N.º Despacho/Portaria: DESPACHO Nº 3928/2019
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Introduction to Electroacoustic Music 1st Semester 4.0
Ensemble I 1st Semester 2.0
History of Culture I 1st Semester 2.0
Compositon Techniques I (Till 1600) 1st Semester 4.0
Musical Acoustics 1st Semester 2.0
Contemporary Music Ensembles I 1st Semester 2.0
Orchestration I (Strings) 1st Semester 4.0
Composition I 1st Semester 6.0
Opcional 1st Semester 4.0
Composition II 2nd Semester 6.0
Musical Programming I 2nd Semester 4.0
Ensemble II 2nd Semester 2.0
History of Culture II 2nd Semester 2.0
Compositon Techniques II (from 1600 to 1750) 2nd Semester 4.0
Opcional 2nd Semester 3.0
Contemporary Music Ensembles II 2nd Semester 2.0
Orchestration II (Woodwinds and Brass) 2nd Semester 4.0
Contemporary Music Analysis I 2nd Semester 3.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Portuguese Music History 1st Semester 2.0
Orchestration III (Percussion and Extras) 1st Semester 4.0
Composition III 1st Semester 7.0
Ensemble III 1st Semester 2.0
Contemporary Music Analysis II 1st Semester 3.0
Sound Analysis and Synthesis 1st Semester 4.0
Music Psychollogy 1st Semester 2.0
Compositon Techniques III (from 1750 to 1900) 1st Semester 4.0
Introdução à Direção Coral e Instrumental I 1st Semester 2.0
Opcional 2nd Semester 4.0
History of Contemporary Music I 2nd Semester 2.0
Orchestration IV (Tutti) 2nd Semester 4.0
Ensemble IV 2nd Semester 2.0
Musical Programming II 2nd Semester 4.0
Compositon Techniques IV (from 1900 to 1945) 2nd Semester 4.0
Composition IV 2nd Semester 8.0
Introdução à Direção Coral e Instrumental II 2nd Semester 2.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Opcional 1st Semester 2.0
History of Contemporary Music II 1st Semester 2.0
Composition for Orchestra 1st Semester 4.0
Investigação em Música 1st Semester 2.0
Music Formalization 1st Semester 4.0
Musical Aesthetics I 1st Semester 2.0
Compositon Techniques V (after 1945) 1st Semester 4.0
Composition V 1st Semester 10.0
Career Development and Management 2nd Semester 2.0
Digital Interactive Systems 2nd Semester 4.0
Arranjo e Transcrição de Partituras 2nd Semester 3.0
Opcional 2nd Semester 4.0
Seminar 2nd Semester 4.0
Composition VI 2nd Semester 11.0
Musical Aesthetics II 2nd Semester 2.0

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