Scenography aims at conception and materialization of scenic concepts and devices oriented to the various performing arts. Focused on theatre, the training enables contact with cinema, television, opera, and dance. The Scenographer conceives, designs, coordinates the construction, and builds scenarios/sets, designs, and makes models, designs, and builds props. The Scenographer also coordinates the performance space, the technical, material, and financial resources available.
1º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Props I | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Contemporary Art and Culture | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Drawing | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Introduction to Theatre Studies | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Introduction to Set design | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Introduction to Costume | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Theatre Workshop | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Seminar | 1st Semester | 3.0 |
Drawing I | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
History of Scenography I | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
Theatre History I | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Costume History I | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
Scenographie Workshop I | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Production I (Scenography ) | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Design Project (Scenography) | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
Dramaturgical Repertory I | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Safety at Work | 2st Semester | 1.0 |
Stage Makeup (optional) | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
2st Semester | 1.5 | |
2º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Dramaturgical Analysis I | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Drawing II | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Scenographic Design I | 1st Semester | 2.5 |
Set Design History II | 1st Semester | 2.0 |
Theatre History II | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Stage Machinery | 1st Semester | 2.0 |
Scenographie Workshop II | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Production II (Scenography ) | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Dramaturgical Analysis II | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Drawing with Computers | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
Scenographic Design II | 2st Semester | 2.5 |
Theatre History III | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Scenography Workshop III | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Production III (Scenography ) | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Color Theory and Practice | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Stage Makeup (optional) | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
Alternative Project (optional) | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
2st Semester | 1.5 | |
BODY AWARENESS TECHNIQUES (optional) | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
3º Year | ||
Curricular unit | Period | ECTS |
Props II | 1st Semester | 3.5 |
Décor For Cinema And TV | 1st Semester | 2.5 |
Scenographic Design III | 1st Semester | 2.5 |
Art History | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Theatre History IV | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Scenography Workshop IV | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Production IV (Scenography ) | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Aikido I (optional) | 1st Semester | 1.5 |
READING PLAYS (optional) | 1st Semester | 1.5 |
SHADOW PUPPETS (optional) | 1st Semester | 1.5 |
Commedia del'Arte Mask Making (optional) | 1st Semester | 1.5 |
Alternative Option I (optional) | 1st Semester | 3.0 |
Alternative Project (optional) | 1st Semester | 3.0 |
Scenographic Design IV | 2st Semester | 2.5 |
Aesthetics and Theatrical Theory | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Scenography Workshop V | 2st Semester | 11.0 |
Production V (Scenography ) | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Dramaturgical Repertory II | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Culture, Ideology and Contemporaneity (optional) | 2st Semester | 1.5 |
Alternative Project (optional) | 2st Semester | 3.0 |
- Scenographer
- Scenography Assistant
- Prop Designer
- Window-dresser
- Exhibition Designer.
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