Número: R/A-Ef772/2011/AL02
N.º Despacho/Portaria: 10153/2017 (2ª SÉRIE)
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Information Resources Management 1st Semester 6.0
Introduction to Information Science 1st Semester 6.0
Data Collection Processes 1st Semester 6.0
Computational Systems 1st Semester 6.0
Information and Communication Technology 1st Semester 6.0
Information Description I 2st Semester 6.0
Archival Information Management 2st Semester 7.0
Project Management 2st Semester 6.0
Internet and Digital Multimedia 2st Semester 5.0
Introduction to Algorithms 2st Semester 6.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Information Analysis and Representation I 1st Semester 5.0
Databases 1st Semester 5.0
Libraries and Digital Archives 1st Semester 5.0
Information Description II 1st Semester 5.0
English for Information Science 1st Semester 4.0
Information Systems Modelling 1st Semester 6.0
Information Analysis and Representation II 2st Semester 5.0
Informational Behaviour 2st Semester 5.0
Information Resources Management 2st Semester 5.0
Interoperability Systems 2st Semester 5.0
Technology and Information Policies 2st Semester 5.0
Theories and Methods in Communication and Information Sciences 2st Semester 5.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Computer Applications 1st Semester 7.0
Statistics in Information 1st Semester 5.0
Preservation and Conservation 1st Semester 5.0
Information Management Project 1st Semester 7.0
Information Retrieval and Assessment 1st Semester 6.0
TRAINEESHIP 2st Semester 11.0
Project in Information Resources and Services 2st Semester 7.0
2st Semester 4.0
2st Semester 4.0
2st Semester 4.0
2st Semester 4.0
2st Semester 4.0
2st Semester 4.0
QUALITY MANAGEMENT (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
DESCRI (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Organizational Communication Technologies (optional) 2st Semester 4.0

A informação disponibilizada nesta página não dispensa a consulta do Website de acesso ao ensino superior do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior - http://www.dges.gov.pt/pt

Combined Shape
