Home > Education > COURSES > Master > ESE > "Mestrado em Educação e Intervenção Social" (Social Education and Intervention - Specialization in Psychosocial Action in Contexts of Risk)

"Mestrado em Educação e Intervenção Social" (Social Education and Intervention - Specialization in Psychosocial Action in Contexts of Risk)

Accredited for: 6 year(s) in

Consult reports https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/educacao-e-intervencao-social-1

142 Educational sciences
Number: R/A-Ef 759/2011/AL02
No. dispatch/concierge: 9058/2023, DECLARAÇÃO DE RETIFICAÇÃO Nº 809/2023
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Community Studies 1st Semester 4.0
Group Orientation and Dynamics 1st Semester 6.0
Psychosocial Action and Support Relationship I 2st Semester 7.0
Family Dynamics and Social Networks: Theories and Intervention Perspectives 2st Semester 8.0
Risk Contexts, Vulnerabilities and Development Annual 17.0
Research and Action Methodologies Annual 9.0
Mental and Community Health Annual 9.0
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Psychosocial Action and Support Relationship II 1st Semester 7.0
Family and Group Therapies 1st Semester 7.0
Project Annual 46.0


Combined Shape
