Entrada > Education > COURSES > Master > ESE > Master in Teaching the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education

Master in Teaching the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education

Master in Teaching the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education

Master in Teaching the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education


Acreditado por: 6 ano(s) em

Consultar relatórios em www.a3es.pt

144 Teacher training for primary education (1st and 2nd cycles)
Número: R/A-CR198/2015
N.º Despacho/Portaria: 10116/2015
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Sciences and Mathematical Language Semestral 5.0
Linguistic Culture in the Teaching of Portuguese Semestral 6.0
Curriculum, School Organization and Inclusion Semestral 6.0
Didactics of Mathematics in 1st Cycle Semestral 5.0
Didactics of Human and Natural Sciences in 1st Cycle Semestral 5.0
Didactics of Expressions Semestral 4.0
Didactics of Portuguese in 1st Cycle Semestral 5.0
Didactics of Portuguese in 2nd Cycle Semestral 7.0
Historical-geographical and Cultural Studies Semestral 4.0
Expressions Semestral 3.0
History and Geography of Portugal: Contemporary European Dimension Semestral 6.0
Youth Literature Semestral 4.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Supervised Teaching Practice Annual 49.0
Portuguese History and Geography Didactics Semestral 7.0
Research in Education Semestral 4.0

Combined Shape
