The Music Education master main objective: habilitate professionally teachers in music teaching, specializing in Music training, Instrument, Vocal and Jazz in the 3rd cycle of basic teaching and secondary teaching of professional, vocational and artistic teaching; provide a solid training in the field of general education, of appropriate methodologies and didactics, capable of fostering and developing different skills necessary for the exercise of an educational practice of excellency. This study cycle, with registration published by Despacho nº 14081, 30th November 2015, formally fits within the legal framework of professional qualification for teaching in the professional, vocational and artistic education, in the actual 3rd cycle of basic teaching and secondary teaching. According to the national classification for the existing education and training area, the masters degree in Music Education has as its main classification the Training of Teachers on specific subject areas and as a secondary classification Performing Arts.
1º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Voice II | Semester | 4.0 |
Psychology of Education | Semester | 4.0 |
Curriculum Design and Development | Semester | 4.0 |
Educational Policies and School Management | Semester | 4.0 |
Large Ensembles Practice | Semester | 3.0 |
Research Methods in Music Education | Semester | 4.0 |
Voice I | Semester | 8.0 |
Option | Semester | 3.0 |
Introduction to Educational Pratice | Semester | 4.0 |
Sociology of Education | Semester | 4.0 |
Theory of Education | Semester | 4.0 |
Research Topics in Music Education | Semester | 4.0 |
Musical Development | Semester | 5.0 |
Fundamentals of Didactics of the Instrument | Semester | 5.0 |
2º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Supervised Teaching Internship | Annual | 48.0 |
Research Seminar in Music Teaching | Semester | 3.0 |
Methodology and Didactics in Singing II | Semester | 5.0 |
Methodology and Didactics in Singing I | Semester | 4.0 |
- Music teaching in 3rd Cycle (Conservatories, Academies and Professionals schools).
- Holders of a graduate degree or legally equivalent;
- Holders of a foreign graduate degree corresponding to a 1st level of studies according to the Bologna Program in any adherent country;
- Holders of a foreign graduate degree recognised as adequate by the Technical Scientific-Council of ESMAE and ESE;
-Holders of an academic, scientific and professional curriculum recognised as adequate by the Technical Scientific-Council of ESMAE and ESE;
The candidates must meet the minimum requirements established to enter in music education specialty and are included in Decree-Law nº 79/2014, 14th May, rectified by the Declaration of Rectification nº 32/2014, 21th June, namely, to have obtained in the scope of the graduate degree of 120 ECTS in Instrumental and Vocal Practice, in Music training and in Music Science, not being able to have less than 25 ECTS in none of the mentioned areas.