
The Pharmacy Technician works within a team of healthcare assistants, providing information and counselling to customers and health professionals in what concerns to the use of medications and other ...

The Pharmacy Technician works within a team of healthcare assistants, providing information and counselling to customers and health professionals in what concerns to the use of medications and other health products, as well as healthcare provision in Pharmacy.

This professional is qualified to intervene in the different stages of the drug circuit, from its ordering and reception to the storing and dispensing to the customer. More specifically:

• Pharmacological analysis and tests

• Interpretation of therapeutic prescriptions and pharmaceutical formulas

• Preparation, identification and distribution of medicines

• Control of the preservation, distribution and stocking of drugs and other products.

The use of medications in modern societies is an unquestionable benefit, which enables pharmaceutical industry to answer the needs and demands of populations, while contributing to a significant improvement in the quality of life. Therefore, the involvement of Pharmacy Technicians in health teams contributes in a decisive way to a more effective health system, promoting a rational and safe use of medicines.


Accredited for: Acreditado preliminarmente year(s) in

Consult reports

727 - Ciências farmacêuticas
Number: R/B-AD-253/2008
No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho n.º 9283/2010 (2.ª Série),
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Management Of Scholar Life 1st Trimester
Introduction To Pharmacy 1st Trimester
Chemical And Biomolecules I 1st Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice I 1st Trimester
Fundamentals Of Experimental Planning I 2nd Trimester
Chemical And Biomolecules II 2nd Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice II 2nd Trimester
Morphological And Functional Systems I 2nd Trimester
Fundamentals Of Experimental Planning II 3rd Trimester
Laboratory In Pharmacy 3rd Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice III 3rd Trimester
Morphological And Functional Systems II 3rd Trimester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Drug Pharmacognosy And Biotechnology 1st Trimester
Diseases Agents And Vectors 1st Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice IV 1st Trimester
Epidemiology And Public Health 1st Trimester
Pharmacotechnology I 2nd Trimester
Simulations I 2nd Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice V 2nd Trimester
Conventionaltherapeutic Systems I 2nd Trimester
Pharmacotechnology II 3rd Trimester
Simulations II 3rd Trimester
Integrated Laboratory Practice VI 3rd Trimester
Conventionaltherapeutic Systems II 3rd Trimester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Dermopharmacy And Cosmetic 1st Trimester
Organization And Management Of The Pharmacy I 1st Trimester
Simulations III 1st Trimester
Conventionaltherapeutic Systems III 1st Trimester
Organization And Management Of The Pharmacy II 2nd Trimester
Simulations IV 2nd Trimester
Alternative Therapeutic Systems 2nd Trimester
Health Products 2nd Trimester
Quality Management 3rd Trimester
Management And Entrepreneurship 3rd Trimester
Simulations V 3rd Trimester
Health Education 3rd Trimester
4º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Practicum Experience Annual
Nowadays, Community Pharmacies employ a major part of the graduates. Other institutions of drug manufacturing/retailing and healthcare assistance can also hire Pharmacy Technicians for the execution of their tasks, particularly non-prescription drug retailers (Decree-Law 134/2005 of August 16), where they can undertake the function of Technical Managers. Other entities that can hire Pharmacy Technicians are pharmaceutical industry, health centres, teaching institutions and research centres.

Minimum Grade

95 points

Tests for Admission

95 points

One of the following combinations:

02 Biology and Geology


02 Biology and Geology + 07 Physics and Chemistry


02 Biology and Geology + 16 Mathematics

Application Grade (Formula)

High School Average Grade 50%

Tests for Admission 50%


Medical Certificate

Individual Health Survey

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