
Audiologists perform their duties in the areas of prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation, as well as in academic teaching and scientific research. On the level of Prevention, the Audiology ...

Audiologists perform their duties in the areas of prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation, as well as in academic teaching and scientific research.

On the level of Prevention, the Audiology professional is responsible for planning and conducting awareness-raising activities and screening programmes designed to prevent hearing loss. To that effect, he can intervene within industrial communities, schools, high-risk groups and the general population.

In the domain of the Diagnosis, the audiologist prepares, executes and interprets complementary examinations of functional and electrophysiological exploration, in order to identify, quantify and qualify dysfunctions in the audio-vestibular system and facial nerve.

In what concerns to Rehabilitation, he takes part (often integrated in multidisciplinary teams) in the study, development and execution of audio and vestibular rehabilitation programmes. He chooses the most adequate technical solutions (prosthesis) and renders the respective audioprosthetic and audiologic follow-up (audio rehabilitation), planning and executing actions that ensure the system’s improvement.

In teaching, he is responsible for training undergraduate and postgraduate students to the practice of the profession, as well as other professionals who might become interested in audiology.

Finally, in the field of scientific research, he organizes and conducts research projects in order to develop new techniques or to improve the existing ones.


Número: R/A-Ef803/2011/AL01
N.º Despacho/Portaria: Despacho n.º 8893/2016 (2ª Série)
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Anatomophysiology Semester
Phonetic Elements Semester
Biostatistics Semester
Psychoacoustics Semester
Audiology II Semester
Audiology I Semester
Health Psychology Semester
Língua Gestual Portuguesa I Semester
Patologia Humana Semester
Língua Gestual Portuguesa II Semester
Clinical Education I Semester
Histology & Embriology Semester
Acoustic Physics Semester
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Technical Means of Audition Rehabilitation I Semester
Audiology III Semester
Bioelectronics Semester
Auditive Rehabilitation Semester
Clinical Education II Semester
Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação Vestibular I Semester
Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação Eletrofisiológica I Semester
Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação Vestibular II Semester
Fundamentos em Otologia Semester
Métodos e Técnicas de Avaliação Eletrofisiológica II Semester
Neurobioquímica Semester
Eletromedicina em Audiologia Semester
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Audiologia Escolar, Comunitária e Ocupacional Semester
Clinical Education IV Semester
Technical Means of Audition Rehabilitation II Semester
Bioethical and Professional Issues Semester
Vestibular Rehabilitation Semester
Seminars Semester
Management And Entrepreneurship Semester
Clinical Education III Semester
Developmental Psychology Semester
Audiologia Pediátrica Semester
Investigação Científica Semester
4º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Investigação Aplicada em Audiologia-módulo I Annual
Investigação Aplicada em Audiologia-módulo II Annual
Planeamento Experimental II Semester
Estudos Avançados em Audiologia Semester
Clinical Education VI Semester
Clinical Education V Semester
Planeamento Experimental I Semester
  • The audiologist works in public and/or private health care institutions (such as hospitals, health centres, clinics, audiology/audio-phonology and audio-rehabilitation centres), teaching institutions and factories, within teams of school/work assistance. He can also collaborate in research projects and become a lecturer, whether at work or school contexts.
  • Prerequisites
  • Medical Certificate
  • Individual Health Survey
  • Declaration from an Audiologist
  • Sample of an Audiology Survey

Minimum Grade

95 points

Tests for Admission

02 Biology and Geology

Application Grade (Formula)

High. School Average Grade: 50%

Tests for Admission: 50%

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