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Creativity and Business Innovations

The "licenciatura" in JOINT PROGRAMME in Creativity and Business Innovation includes different areas of knowledge that, overall, provides the competencies and abilities necessary for developing ...

The "licenciatura" in JOINT PROGRAMME in Creativity and Business Innovation includes different areas of knowledge that, overall, provides the competencies and abilities necessary for developing professional activities in different human, organizational and social settings. The aim of the course is:

- Develop and implement creative ideas that assure a continuum personal development and the preparation/launch of new business ventures;

- Create and implement ideas and business solutions at the department of R&D or new product development;

- Development of new business models in domestic and international firms based on innovation and the application of creative techniques;

- Analize, evaluate and apply new models and innovation techniques to the organizational processes and operations;

- Compreender, combinar e desenvolver novos conhecimentos no campo social, humano e científico.


Accredited for: 3 years year(s) in

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

345 - Gestão e administração
Number: R/A-Cr 99/2014
No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho nº 9313/2014 (2ª Série)
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Personal Development Summer Semester
Business Ethics Summer Semester
Gestão Financeira Empresarial Summer Semester
Ambiente de Negócio Summer Semester
Economics Summer Semester
Liderança Pessoal Summer Semester
Responsabilidade Social Corporativa Summer Semester
Direito e Documentação Summer Semester
Organisational Behaviour Winter Semester
Individual Creativity Winter Semester
Management Winter Semester
Organizational Creativity Winter Semester
Fundamentos de Gestão Winter Semester
Organização Winter Semester
Análise de Negócios Winter Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Theories on Creativity Summer Semester
Creativity Techniques Summer Semester
Professional Practice Summer Semester
Intercultural Communication Winter Semester
Sales and Marketing Mechanism Winter Semester
Organizational Communication Winter Semester
Public Speaking Winter Semester
Entrepreneurial Behavior and GEST Characterist Winter Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Internship Summer Semester
Project Summer Semester
Reasearch Practice Winter Semester
Modelos de Negócio e Desenvolvimento Estratégico Winter Semester
Língua Estrangeira / Gestão da Qualidade / Liderança - Língua Estrangeira Winter Semester
Língua Estrangeira / Gestão da Qualidade / Liderança - Quality Management Winter Semester
Língua Estrangeira / Gestão da Qualidade / Liderança - Liderança Winter Semester
Conhecimento e Filosofia da Ciência Winter Semester
  • Criative in advertising and communication;
  • Trainer in creativity and innovation;
  • Project manager in organizational innovation;
  • Entrepreneur;
  • Coach in creativity and innovation;
  • Manager in innovation and developer of new products and services;
  • Consultant in creativity and innovation.


One of the following:

›› (cód. 13) Inglês

›› (cód. 06) Filosofia

›› (cód. 18) Português

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