GILT | Projetos


The GABALL project seeks to address the reinforcement of EU Micro and SME’s managers’ skills in the process of internationalization to internal and external markets (Brazil) through electronic (...)

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This project has three main objectives: Provide solutions “low cost” in the application of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Advanced Interaction in the fields of Architecture, Education and Informatics. Promote knowledge transfer achievements in these areas (...)

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In the recent years there has been, at European level, an increase in the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, due to different strategies and policies implemented in several projects since the 80s. It is necessary, in this context (...)

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Serious Games are specifically designed to change behaviors and impart knowledge and are widely used in training situations, such as emergency preparedness, training for leadership and even citizenship. These games have wide acceptance due to their challenging design and the social (...)

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The VirtualSign project aims to develop and subsequently evaluate a model that facilitates access for deaf and hearing impaired to digital content in particular within the context of education mainly with educational content and learning objects. (...)

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The objective of the project SELEAG is to evaluate the use of Serious Games for learning history, culture and social relations. An extensible, online, multi-language, multi-player, collaborative and social game platform for sharing and acquiring knowledge of the history of European (...)

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MELOR is a Medical Learning Objects Repository where you can share your contents and give visibility to your work. You can browse the list of communities, collections and sub-communities within them. (...)

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