Home > News > II National Meeting of the History of Educational Institutions in Portugal
Published on: 19 April 2018

II National Meeting of the History of Educational Institutions in Portugal

April 12 at the School of Education Auditorium.

Following the First National Meeting on the History of Educational Institutions, which was held in February 2017 under the theme Archives and Educational Institutions in Portugal, the II National Meeting was held, this time dedicated to the theme Memories of Educational Establishments.

This meeting seeks to reflect on some relevant dimensions in the historical analysis of school organizations in Portugal, from the problems of material culture to case studies on different schools, through the presentation of recent research in the field of education history, including challenges in this area of study.

The event, to be held on April 12, at the ESE Auditorium, is open to all those interested in these subjects, students, masters, doctors, doctoral students, researchers and teachers.

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