Home > News > ISEP teacher is participating in a High Speed Railway project in the US
Published on: 18 November 2016

ISEP teacher is participating in a High Speed Railway project in the US

Diogo Ribeiro from Polytechnic of Porto received a scolarship in Fullbright's Project for Teachers and PhD Researchers.

A teacher from ISEP | P.PORTO will participate in an American project on high speed railways, aiming the connection of Los Angeles to San Francisco, in the US, until 2022.

According to Diogo Ribeiro, the scolarship and its project are a "great opportunity for ISEP's Civil Engineering Department to strengthen connections with a well-known research center, referring to Structures Engineering, that works in several projects and publications regarding Seismic Engineering".

Civil Engineering Department's experience on modelation and dynamic interaction between on-rails vehicles and bridges "is a poorly explored field by US research center; which explains the junction of competences from both sides may lead to a possible success of the project", said the researcher to Lusa.

Since 2005, Diogo Ribeiro joined and coordinated several numerical and experimental studies on bridges under rail traffic, both national and international projects.

Between 2004 and 2005, the professor collaborated in the partnership, established between the High Speed Network (RAVE) and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), in the definition of sizing criteria and technical specifications for the railway infrastructures for the future Portuguese high-speed network. In 2008, he was part of the technical team responsible for the study of the LRV locomotive derailment in the Tua railway line, specifically in the numerical and experimental studies about the dynamic interaction between the derailed vehicle and the railway.

The Fulbright Commission surfaced in 1960, as a result of a diplomatic agreement between Portugal and the United States. Since then, the program has provided educational exchanges and, until today, have been granted scholarships to 1300 Portuguese and 750 American, students and scholars.

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