Entrada > News > Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education at P.PORTO
Publicado em: 28 Novembro 2016

Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education at P.PORTO

The meeting took place in the 23rd of november, during the public presentation of I&D projects.

Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education (Manuel Heitor) was at the Institute of Engeneering of P.PORTO (ISEP), during the public presentation of proposed I&D projects. Followed by Polytechnic Institute Presidents; Non-integrated Polytechnic Superior Schools; General Director of Higher Education; the President of the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Coordinator of Interior Mission Structure, the minister took a chance to meet the Research Center of Robotics, the Autonomous Systems Laboratory (LSA).

This was the Research Center presented by the minister to an audience participating in the 11th edition of EAPRIL Conference with the title (Desafios da Era Digital para a Educação, Trabalho e Aprendizagem: Investigadores e Profissionais em Diálogo). Manuel Heitor emphasized the importance of systematic and applied research produced inside polytechinc - an area even more directed to internationalization and to the creation of multidisciplinary networks.

Also, there was a meeting between Polytechnic Presidents and Non-integrated Polytechnic Superior Schools, where the discussion focused itself in the challenges of new investigation and the innovation in Superior Education.

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