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Published on: 19 April 2018

P.PORTO presidential election results approved

A dispatch has been published approving the election of João Rocha for president of the Politécnico do Porto.

After a General Council meeting on the 19th of January 2018, in which João Manuel Simões da Rocha won by an absolute majority of votes, and all legal and electoral conditions having been fulfilled, an official statement was published in the Diário da República on the 7th of March, making the election of the new president official.

João Rocha, who has achieved a doctorate in Electrotechnical Engineering and Computer Engineering and has vast experience in both teaching and research, has previously fulfilled various academic management roles, including being the president of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto for ten years.

João Rocha will be this organisation's fourth president, following Luís Soares (1985-2006), Victor Santos (2006-2010) and Rosário Gambôa (2010-2018).

He will take office on the 4th of April.

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