Entrada > News > P.PORTO takes part of Nokia's latest innovation project
Publicado em: 10 Maio 2019

P.PORTO takes part of Nokia's latest innovation project

STARTUP PORTO, the new unit for entrepreneurship of P.PORTO opens the partnership signed in 2018 with Nokia

The transversal unit for entrepreneurship STARTUP PORTO from Politécnico do Porto was present on February 21 at the presentation of the Digital Innovation Hub DIH IoT & i4.0, an ecosystem based on a partnership model orchestrated by Nokia, providing a global scale with local impact, aimed at supporting companies, utilities, service providers and government in Industry 4.0 and IoT.

With a mission to bring together the most ambitious and relevant companies, STARTUP intends to support them to innovate and to make their businesses bigger, better and faster.

The open session was held last February 21 at Nokia's Horizonte Building Services Training Center in Alfragide, featuring presentations by Nokia's Country Pioneer, João Picoito, and the main partners in this DIH - Nokia, NOS, ISQ, IBM and STARTUP PORTO.

STARTUP PORTO is the strategic partner of connection with entrepreneurship, startups, training and capacitation. According to Paulo Ferraz, coordinator of STARTUP PORTO, "integration into this IHL is a very important step towards bringing startups closer to large companies, fostering business, synergies and innovation."

For the coordinator "there is also the goal of promoting the best case studies and knowledge to companies where innovation is not yet a priority. " During the event it was possible to know a new workspace in which the partners can create, adapt and prototype ; meet strategic and business partners, discuss market and business opportunities and new forms of go-to-market; share ideas and innovation in an open ecosystem approach.

STARTUP PORTO, together with Nokia, will soon launch two relevant initiatives in the scope of IoT & i4.0 DIH.

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