Entrada > News > "Positive Energy" in two P.PORTO Schools
Publicado em: 19 Junho 2017

"Positive Energy" in two P.PORTO Schools

By 2020, Politécnico do Porto will save a total of 702.3 thousand euros per year in two of its schools (ISCAP and ESTG), reducing by 158.88 tonnes as carbon dioxide emissions.

The projects funded by the Operational Programme for Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources (POSEUR) was announced on June 14, in the Presidency of Politécnico do Porto.

Lending at the ceremony was the President of Politécnico do Porto, Rosário Gambôa, the President of the Board of Directors of IPO-Porto, and also the Minister of the Environment, Matos Fernandes, among others.

The objective of this project is to promote sustainable development, respond to challenges of transition to a low carbon economy based on more efficient use of resources.

Politécnico do Porto, and the IPO-Porto receive, in these context, an investment of around 6.3 million euros in fundings, saving energy and reducing carbon emissions in 1,600 tons. "These are two amazing examples of projects," noted the minister, stressing an important behavior in"places where many people go and where they teach."

"An institution of higher education has an increased social responsibility," says Rosário Gambôa, noting how crucial it is to develop in students a culture of responsibility and environmental sustainability.

"Cultivating this vision, in a present and lived way, inside our institutions is essential," declares, adding as a concern for effectiveness, with a return on the resources of the planet ", with a treatment more in line with a set of values along with our common home ", is one of the great challenges of the institution.

" P.PORTO foresees an investment of 984 thousand euros, financed in 713.7 thousand euros by POSEUR in 2 schools: Porto Accounting and Business School - ISCAP and in School of Technology and Management (ESTG).

Regarding ISCAP, an annual savings of around 550,000 euros and a reduction of 118 tons of carbon dioxide. ESTG, an expectation of an annual saving of about 152 thousand euros and 40.88 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The sustainability and efficiency of resources use is an old concern, included in the Strategic Plan of P.PORTO, and included in the overall plan for energy efficiency to the whole institution. An example of this is the association between the Politécnico do Porto and Welfare Services (SAS) onthe U-Bike Portugal project, promoted by the same program, which encourage the use of electric bicycles among the academic community

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