Politécnico do Porto celebrated on May 13 a collaboration protocol with University of Vigo, strengthening the connection between the two institutions in the areas of teaching, research, quality and good practices.
João Rocha, President of Politécnico do Porto , and José Carlos Quadrado, Pro-President, met at the Vigo Tecnolóxico Campus (a reference center in technology and research) with Manuel Reigosa, dean of the University of Vigo.
The two institutions underlined the great opportunity that this agreement represents, "due to our profile and geographical proximity," said the Rector, Manuel Reigosa and, highlight the President of Politécnico do Porto , "the possibility of developing joint projects between Galicia and the North of Portugal ".
Given the framework, one of the goals of the collaboration agreement is to carry out exchanges between non-teaching staff, in particular those related to internationalization, mobility and international projects.
Both entities also become priority partners in joint applications for European competitions in fields of programs such as Erasmus +, in particular those under the KA3 Social Eramus + project, which develops Social Responsibility activities. Encouraging collaboration in the field of gender equality (and equity in general), as well as sharing good practice in access and entry of foreign students, are other proposals included in the agreement.
"This is the ideal moment to formalize an institutional approach," said José Carlos Quadrado, "an essential contribution to areas such as training and research, while stimulating the inter-institutional flow of people."
Relatively recent, the University of Vigo is known as a pole of innovation, dynamism and high quality formation, fruit of a highly specialized teaching class. Created in 1989, after the separation from University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) - until then the only Galician university - , the University of Vigo is now constituted by three campuses, distributed by the counties of Ourense, Pontevedra and Vigo.